Pillai Center Academy

Light Body Revealed

Available exclusively on this website, The Light Body Revealed is a 5 step process to reveal your unique Light Body in an interactive home study program.

This program is a collection of some of the most advanced breath and sound techniques ever to be released by Dr. Pillai in a multimedia home training program.  It’s like being at one of Dr. Pillai’s private events – but from the comfort of home.

The Light Body Revealed gives you full access to the 5 Step Process which includes:

  • Dr. Pillai’s Mastermind teachings. Dr. Pillai began his Light Body Programs in 2012 in a yearlong intensive.  Now, you can have access to these exact lessons from the comfort of your home for a fraction of the price.
  • Multi-dimensional Lessons – You will absorb information through Dr. Pillai’s multidimensional teaching style, which includes ancient wisdom, cutting edge brain science, meditation instruction, and practical tips to incorporate into your daily life.
  • Advanced Learning Techniques – When studying with Dr. Pillai you will experience the 5 step process through symbology and creative learning, as well as vibrational, energetic, and spiritual transmissions.
  • Guided Meditations, Visualizations, & Mantras – Each step includes vibrational meditations directly from Dr. Pillai. You will be able to learn the mantras or simply listen to the meditations and receive the spiritual transmission and transformation.
  • Brain Changing Breathing Exercises – You will receive guided breathing exercises designed to stop the mind and activate your divine light. In yogic philosophy the breath and the mind are one in the same. In order to access the Light body you must stop and clear the mind and since the mind is intangible, it is a crucial part of revealing your light body to master the breath.
  • On the Go Tools – To keep you connected to the practice and feeling great throughout the day, you will also gain access to the Pillai Center Meditation Library, additional visualizations, mantras, and on-the-go meditations.

Here’s How the 5 Step Process Works

Introduction: Start Here

Begin with the 3 Core Meditations for activating the Light Body Process.  Dr. Pillai shares the true nature of the light body and introduces you to the key concepts for success in this program.

This session includes:

  • Initiation with Dr. Pillai for your Light Body
  • Protection Meditation – Create your Mind/Body Guards
  • 3 Omnis – Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent
  • Activating the Crown of Grace

Step One: Connecting to Your Inner God of Light

In this crucial first step you will learn about the influence of divine symbolism and the power that these archetypes can take in your life and your light body journey. Dr. Pillai outlines the 14 key concepts of the Light Body Program, its scientific, theoretical, and philosophical foundations as well as in depth explanations of how to use the breath for transformation.

This session includes:

  • Special Insights with Dr. Pillai about how to use breath for transformation
  • Exercise for breath of consciousness
  • Changing your mind through breath
  • Activating the Crown of Grace

Step Two: Accessing Your Divine Mind

In this step Dr. Pillai will open your eyes to the nature of reality and how maya, illusion, is connected to breathing.  He will also show you how people have used prana, source energy, for success and empowerment.  Experience sound meditations, or sutras, that will automatically move you beyond the duality of the egoic mind into a union with the Omniscient Mind, known as Arul Light Intelligence.

This step includes:

  • Special insights into the wealth of being with God
  • Meditation to attain Learning-Free Acquisition of Omniscience
  • Meditation to understand there is space beyond description
  • Meditation on Seeing God

Step Three: Reprogramming Your DNA for a Disease-Free Body

In this step you will learn how to reprogram your genetic imprint with Light. This exciting process makes it easier to shed the physical layers that have been preventing you from realizing you natural light.  You will also learn about agelessness and key mantras for a disease free body.

This step includes special meditations:

  • Getting Rid of Disease
  • Dissolving Doubt
  • How the Light Body Gives

Step Four: Attaining Divine Consciousness

In step four, you will experience how to take your practice to new heights.  In this step you will use the power of breath to stop the rational mind and activate divine consciousness.  This is a more advanced practice where you will experience the timelessness of the divine and your light body.  You will get specific mantras to help stop the mind and its limiting chatter.

This step includes:

  • Insights with Dr. Pillai
  • Meditations to override the mental lock of the physical world
  • Special mantras for supporting the Light Body

Step Five: Shifting into Your Inter-dimensional Light Body

In this step, Dr. Pillai guides you to the advanced third eye activations that shift you into an inter-dimensional nature.  These activations include special mantras and meditations for activating the secretion of Dimethyltryptomine (DMT).  He will also share about the interconnected and multi-dimensional nature of our existence.

This step includes:

  • Insights about third-eye activation
  • Meditations for activating DMT
  • Special mantras for third eye awakening

Course Content


Begin Your Journey Here
Step 1
1 of 4
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 40 Lessons





Positive Reviews


May 7, 2024

This has to be my favorite course! Thank you!



July 12, 2016

Amazing and thank you for being here and sharing your wisdom. I have no words yes for expressing what is happening with me and my existence. Just loving it and climp the steps. THANK YOU.




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