Terms of use

I hereby acknowledge that I assume full and complete liability for my participation in the Pillai Center (Vaaak Sounds, Inc.) Programs (hereinafter the “Programs”). I release Vaaak Sounds, Inc., its officers, directors, employees, contractors, and agents from any and all liability associated with my participation in the Programs. I acknowledge that my participation and experience in the Programs is unique to myself and that Vaaak Sounds, Inc. does not guarantee any result related to my participation in the Programs.

Furthermore, I acknowledge as a condition of my attendance in the Programs, that I am registering for an activity which may involve physical, emotional, and/or psychological activity and that in case of such an undertaking there is always a risk involved. I understand that the instructor cannot always monitor my physical, emotional, and psychological limits, and that I am therefore assuming full responsibility for assessing the risk any activity poses to me, and choosing a safe course of action for myself.

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