Pillai Center Academy

Millionaire Yoga Lite

Let’s face it: Money is freedom. Without enough money you’re forced to work a job you don’t enjoy, live within a budget, save instead of spend…

When you get right down to it, you’re forced to live a certain way. On the other hand, if money’s not an issue, you are no longer confined to a limited reality. You can live wherever, whenever, HOWEVER. Imagine what the world would be like if people like you had enough money to make a difference? Not only could you live in freedom, but you could also help others do the same. With the money in the right hands, the world would be a different place. It’s a beautiful dream, but open your mind for a second to the possibility that it can be a reality.


To Create An Abundant Reality


“The millionaire’s brain has a different neurology. Becoming a millionaire is a
matter of activating the midbrain and taming the negative cortex.”  ~  signature-one-s

Millionaire Yoga Is Back:

This Time You’ll Say Yes To A Prosperous New Reality

Introducing Millionaire Yoga Lite, a unique, one-of-a-kind brain empowerment program
that will lead you step by step to activate the Millionaire’s Brain.

Taught by an Enlightened Master, the program will consist of special sound frequencies
and advanced conceptualization techniques used by Yogic scientists to stimulate,
strengthen, and awaken ordinarily dormant parts of the brain.

You’ll receive from this program the tools, techniques, and strategies you need
to go from a life of limitation to a life of freedom.

“Sounds Are The Building Blocks Of All Creation.”      ~ signature



“Working with the secret sound frequencies given to me by Dr. Pillai, my life has
transformed in one year more than I could have ever imagined. ~ Saj P, Internet Entrepreneur, UK


A collection of easy-to-use Sound Meditations and Advanced Visualization Exercises
designed by Yogic Scientists, taught by an Enlightened Master, to retrain your thought
process, enhance overall brain capability, and activate the most powerful component
of the brain, the Mid Brain (Millionaire’s Brain).

Profound lessons taught by Dr. Pillai to give you a deep understanding of how Millionaire
Yoga works from both the Yogic and Contemporary perspectives, giving you the ability
to comprehend on multiple levels the full impact of the program.,

Functional Goal-Setting Exercises designed to apply the properties of Neuroplasticity
to create new neurological structuring and optimize the brain’s ability to process
unidimenisonal thoughts into three-dimensional reality.

A complete guide to your daily practice, simple and suitable for any lifestyle,
allowing you to receive maximum benefits from the program.

Access to the exclusive community forum and program support to answer your questions,
compare notes with others, and provide you with all the help you’ll need to achieve
ultimate success in the program.

“After practicing Dr. Pillai’s manifestation techniques, I got the courage to start my own business. Within a year we made it to $1M in revenue!”

Rachel, Entrepreneur, USA

Each Session Comes With Downloadable Audios Of The Teachings And Meditations.

  • You can listen to the audio tracks in your car, bus, or plane…
  • While you exercise, wait, or sleep, you can log onto the Millionaire’s Brain wherever you are.
  • While you are at home relaxing, you can watch the videos at your leisure, or pop on your headphones and drift away into the audio recordings for a profound experience.
  • Follow each session in order, choose one you’d like to focus on, or mix and match to create a practice that works for you.
  • This program is designed for you to study at your own comfortable pace.

Will You Be The Next Millionaire?

I have helped many people to become millionaires and multi-millionaires, but not all.

Commitment is everything, and I want you to commit, and I am committed to you. I am committed not only to you, but to everyone, so we can create the Golden Age. The Golden Age will be unreal if everybody is really struggling for material needs. Material needs are not that hard to get. It’s only a matter of knowing what has gone wrong. So the program is about empowering the brain through sound frequencies, mantras that I will personally initiate you in during the program, and also identifying the brain parts that are responsible for creating the passion and also the wisdom to be affluent. I want you to take advantage of this program to become a millionaire…

Create the Millionaire’s Brain.

Sign Up For Millionaire Yoga Lite And Gain Access To:

6 Downloadable Audio Teachings
6 Downloadable Audio Meditations
6 Downloadable Text Companion Summaries
6 Downloadable Goal-Setting Guides and Worksheets
Exclusive Millionaire Yoga Customer Support
Exclusive Millionaire Yoga Community Forum

Course Content


Manifest Miracles In The Midbrain
Reset Your Money Frequencies
Cleanse The Negative Cortex
1 of 3
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 28 Lessons





Positive Reviews


June 10, 2024

Very easy but profound techniques with immediate manifestation.


Unmatched Quality

February 28, 2016

The nostrils breathing technique is really good I do it anytime that I can.Thank you Dr Pillai and associates



February 21, 2016

great programme n thanx alot to Dr.pillai n team.



January 17, 2016

thank you Dr. pillai



January 13, 2016

thank you pillai sir



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