Pillai Center Academy

Privacy Policy

Use of Information

We do not trade, rent, or sell the personal information from our database or mailing list.Any information received will only be used by Vaaak Sounds, Pillai Center for MindScience or any other organization directly associated with Dr. Pillai, and will not be sold to third parties.

E-mail Addresses

We collect e-mail addresses supplied to us through online and telephone orders, and requests for information. If you have supplied us with your e-mail address, we may contact you with news of new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, you may Unsubscribe via e-mail, postal mail, or by calling us.

Postal Addresses

We collect postal addresses supplied to us through online and telephone orders and requests for information.

If you have supplied us with your postal address, we may contact you with news of new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, you may Unsubscribe via e-mail, postal mail, or by calling us.

Telephone Numbers

We do not retain telephone numbers for purposes other than contacting individuals with a question or information regarding their order.

Aggregate Site Statistics

We collect, in aggregate form only, the domain names of visitors to our site, as well as statistics about our sales, traffic patterns, and related site information. These statistics include no personally identifying information, and are used for marketing, sales reporting, or to improve the design of the website.

Children’s Privacy

If you are under 18, please get your parents’ permission before contacting us. We’d love to hear from you and your parents.Pillai Center encourages children to ask their parents before submitting any information to us.

Privacy Statement Updates

We may decide to make changes to our Privacy Statement. If we do, we will post those changes here so that we can inform and update our customers on how we collect and use information.

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