Kleem Brzee Done-for-You-Remedies Payment Plan

$165.00 / month for 3 months

Break free from the past and create the New You! This powerful program will guide you through a transformational process, using techniques typically reserved only for those from the Siddha lineage, guided by Siddha Master Dr. Pillai.



Kleem Brzee remedial technologies will be performed on your behalf by expert Vedic priests in Dr. Pillai’s Remedy Center in India.


What do you receive?

  • 81 Coconuts Smashed, 27 per Month on 14th Moon
  • 3 (Monthly) 11th Waxing Moon Kleem Brzee Group Fire Labs for Radha Krishna
  • 12 (Weekly) Friday Cow Feedings for Abundance Blessings
  • 12 (Weekly) Kleem Brzee Radha Krishna Friday Poojas
  • 3 (Monthly) New Moon Group Fire Labs for God of Justice (Karuppaswamy)