Divine Autopilot Program

Divine Autopilot Program

Installation of Shiva’s Intelligence into the Brain and Breath

Use this Time to Transform Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Shiva's Birthday

On the 26th of December, I did a presentation on the importance of Lord Siva’s Birthday, and this is something very unique. Astronomically speaking, you see the Sun and the Moon opposing. What it means is this is the time of renewal. You don’t want to miss the time. This is the time of recreating yourself. The galaxy has a lot of impact on us as a microcosm, our body, mind, our DNA; everything is affected on this day. That’s why we should not miss this day.

What I Will Teach You

I will teach you what Shiva has to offer, particularly in respect to transforming your body, mind, and soul: How to get our destiny under control, and how to overcome the karmic life that we have been leading. How we can change our limitations as human beings on the level of the body, mind, and circumstances, and then get beyond them. I’ll give you a meditation to access the energy of Shiva to re-create yourself.

"Time is everything. Time lost is opportunity lost.You don’t want to miss the time. This is the time to recreate yourself."

- Dr. Baskaran Pillai, Pillai Center Founder

Recreate Yourself

Course Content

Divine Autopilot Program

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons





Positive Reviews


Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 8, 2018

Working with the mantras brought me to a much deeper relationship with Shiva. I have worked with him very closely for healing and peace. I have literally experienced his presence in my life to the degree that I can see and feel him throughout each day, and my entire mindset has shifted beyond what I had originally hoped for in the healing of old wounds. I am free to be fully here. I owe this to Shiva and his love. He will change your life if you fully open to connecting with him. Namaste, KR

Kaeleya Baerwyn


Rated 5.0 out of 5
August 28, 2018

This was a very helpful course.



Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 28, 2017

Yes, wonderful class. Trying to log back into this class.



Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 28, 2017

Forgot to mark the rating. I give it five stars. The information is this kind of a basic knowledge, but maybe other knowledge sources assume that we already know these things or else they are not as sharing as Dr. Pillai. I have a feeling that Dr. Pillai gives knowledge and information freely, knowing that God will sort out who should or should not have access to the information. There are a lot of teachers who don’t have that level of faith. I am very thankful. From what I’ve read, heard and studied of Dr. Pillai’s talks and classes, he gives freely from all levels of esoteric information. There is basic information, practical information, and more advanced information, as well as information from the illuminated level. I am 56 and I run a library at a Hindu Temple where I first came across one of his programs. The gifts that he is giving in his teaching are real and amazing. What I’m emphasizing is the complete range of information, from basic (but possibly overlooked) knowledge to very high and esoteric material and practices. He doesn’t forget the middle range of spiritual information either, which includes information about “how things work” in this world and universe (karma, planets and stars, reincarnation). This material is changing my life, if not my world(s). I pray for Dr. Pillai’s blessing. I also am taking the Timeline Jumping Course. It is also profound. There is a surprise bonus item in that one. One can watch it and see/observe that the Universe just gave him something amazing to tell us right then and he gives it without hesitation. This is what I am talking about. There is zero ego in this man. He is just doing immediately whatever his higher self/God level is giving him to give to us. Anyone with any spiritual insight will be delighted in that Timeline Jumping when he suddenly gives a particular sound to us. What an amazing Gift!! The people who need this and who are supposed to find it will find it. I hope my reviews help point them to it. Vimala (HW)



Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 28, 2017

It was amazing. No one had ever explained to me the meaning of each syllable of Na Ma Shi Va Ya before. Knowledge of this has greatly enhanced my chanting. Most sincerely, Vimala



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