Ascension to Bliss


The Secrets of Thai Poosam and Muruga’s Vel

In this course you will receive teachings and insights from Dr. Pillai about the power of the once-a-year Full Moon “Thai Poosam” for removing negative karma at the deepest level of your soul.



“The Pushya star has the ability to transform matter into light. It is a star that is sacred for Muruga, who is the Pleiadian God for enlightenment of the third eye.” – Dr. Pillai



The Thai Poosam powertime is when the Full Moon in the Tamil month of Thai is in the star called Pushya in Vedic astrology. This Full Moon is a significant powertime for Muruga, the Pleiadian spiritual warrior archetype, who symbolizes the awakening of the brain and the third eye.

Thai Poosam is celebrated as the day that Goddess Parvati gave Muruga his infamous and powerful weapon known as the Vel, which is said to represent the third eye and awakening of your spiritual prowess.

With his immense spiritual intelligence, Muruga can conquer your negative karma and internal enemies that hold you back from living a life more aligned with your true nature. This spiritual intelligence is symbolized by the Vel.

Thai Poosam is also celebrated as the day in 1874 that Swami Ramalingam (a nineteenth century siddha poet and saint, and a past incarnation of Dr. Pillai himself) turned his physical body into light.

Light is said to be our true spiritual nature, not the body. Historical records indicate that Swami Ramalingam (also known as Vallalar) once amazed British scientists by turning his body into light, right before their eyes.


In Ascension to Bliss course, you will receive teachings and insights from Dr. Pillai about the power of this once-a-year Full Moon for removing negative karma at the deepest level of your soul.

There are two meditations included with the course teachings.

In the first meditation, Dr. Pillai guides you through a breathing technique that can help your lifeforce energy (prana or kundalini) rise from the base of your spine to your pineal gland. This energy will then fill your entire body with light. He then places Muruga’s Vel into your brain, which has the power to change your karma.

The second meditation aids you in releasing the “nectar of immortality” (amrita) which can give you the power to do anything. The nectar is said to heal diseases by changing your genes. A divine coding takes place so your whole body is nothing but light.


With your enrollment in Ascension to Bliss course, you will receive:

  • 24/7 online course access
  • Recorded teachings from Dr. Pillai
  • Four Recorded Teaching Calls
  • Meditation and mantra loop audios
  • PDF transcripts of all audios and videos
  • Supplementary guidance via email support
  • Daily practice guidelines to help you stay on track and see positive, transformational results