
Personal Shreem Brzee & Kleem Brzee Mantra Initiation Session

Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $350.00.

“Initiation is an experience. It is a transmission that takes place that puts you in a different state of consciousness.”



Kalkidas Siddhar/Beth DesMarais, an esteemed channel taught and blessed by Dr. Pillai, will meet with you one-on-one to initiate you into the Kleem Brzee and Shreem Brzee mantras. You can opt for either coach for your one-on-one initiation. Through a process of transmission, they will impart the mantras to you, teach you how to meditate with them, and guide you on how to incorporate them into your spiritual practice.


What You Receive:

  • Personal Mantra Initiation Session (30 mins)